Should the death penalty be abolished?

Asked in Philosophy by a contributor
edited by Instigator
1 Yes Take
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We can't murder a murderer to prove that murder is wrong. It's hypocritical. We're violating their human rights which is immoral and unethical. The 6th commandment is "Thou Shalt Not Kill." Only God has the right to take a life!
Written by a contributor

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Absolutely not. It's mostly used for horrible serial killers and terrorists and rightly so! We need to make an example of them and show the world what happens when you violate our laws. They should never be paroled so why are we wasting all of this money storing killers that can't be rehabilitated? The murder rate has been steadily decreasing over the past 10 years so something's working. The ones that are against it bring up all the supposedly innocent people on death row. Come on. Before you get to the electric chair or a lethal injection you go through a long appeals process that takes years or even decades. DNA testing is so advanced now the chances of executing the wrong person is extremely low.

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