Should newborns sleep on their stomachs?

Asked in Health by a contributor
edited by Instigator
3 Yes Takes
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Our baby kept waking up when she slept on her back. Sometimes she couldn't breathe and started choking when she spit up a little. I turned her over to sleep on her tummy for naps and at night since she was a month old. Now it doesn't get stuck in her throat - just in her hair a little and on her face and we can sleep a lot easier knowing that. We haven't had any problems with her sleeping that way.
Written by a contributor
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Why not? My son's 6 months old and he always rolls over anyways no matter how we set him down to sleep. You guys really need to stop sweating the small stuff! crying

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That's a crock! For over 99% of babies there is NO risk of SIDS. Babies that sleep on their backs miss out on that restorative NREM sleep. We got all these kids nowadays that developed ADHD when their parents started making their kids sleep that way. Supine sleep just protects children from getting SIDS when they have trouble rising from that NREM SWS sleep.

2 No Takes
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Not if your baby is healthy. The old thinking was a baby wouldn't be strong enough to turn over and it would choke if it needed to vomit. This was proven wrong over time. It can even be dangerous for them to sleep on their stomachs because the sheets could hinder their breathing. The number of cot deaths each year is much less now that doctors are recommending keeping them on their backs.

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All of you saying yes don't know what you're talking about. I hope nothing bad happens to your babies because of your ignorance. My daughter died of SIDS and it was a tragedy. Read the story of Carlie Shelton on the web. A pediatrician ok'd it and she was allowed to sleep on her tummy while her twin brother slept on his back (in 2 different cribs) and died at 11 weeks. Don't make that mistake with your baby when there are so many other things you can try if they're having problems on their back!

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